New Skatepark Coming to Chai Wan! The current Chai Wan Skatepark will be rebuilt and upgraded. The original space is being used for a new housing project, but the park will be relocated nearby. The new skatepark will meet modern standards and be slightly larger. If all goes as planned, it should be ready by end of 2024.
East Coast Park Skatepark
當年有去尖咀文化踩嘢嘅大朋友就會明。踩嘢時睇吓維港海景,chill住skate拍嘢一流呀!「北角東岸公園主題區公眾休憩用地」工程計劃,預計2024/2025年完工,當中包括大家期待嘅 skatepark👍🏻
有 (Australian Skatepark Standards AS EN 14974-2021) 嘅標準。