8 10 月, 2013 7:45 下午【最新消息】全香港的 Skatepark, 經由香港極限運動聯會的建議下,
將會正式統一定名為 Skatepark(英文名稱) 及 極限運動場(中文名稱) 再不是 “單車場” “滑板場” 或 “遊樂場”
意味著香港的 Skatepark 場地在不久將來即將逐一開放給BMX Freestyle,滑板及特技直排滑輪三項運動共用。
All the Skateparks in Hong Kong will be formally re-named as “Skatepark” (in English) and “極限運動場”extreme sports park (in Chinese)
Awkward names that do not reflect the exact purpose of these facilities, such as Skateboard Ground, Skateboard Arena, Playground, BMX Area, etc will no longer be used.
要求康文署及相關單位,開放香港極限運動場地給BMX Freestyle,滑板,
This also means that all the Hong Kong Skateparks will soon be open to all users of BMX Freestyle, Skateboard and Aggressive Inline.
Hong Kong Federation of Extreme Sports have repeatedly proposed to the LCSD, to open up all the local skatepark venues to all users of BMX Freestyle, Skateboard & Aggressive inline skates.
Together with the Hong Kong Cycling Association and the Hong Kong Federation of Roller Sports, our Federation have met with the LCSD to discuss about Hong Kong Skatepark issues. It was agreed by all that the Hong Kong Federation of Extreme Sports will now be the responsible consultant for all matters relating to skateparks in Hong Kong. This includes safety & security matters, daily management, emergency response & training.
而且只開放給BMX freestyle用家使用,據康文署的報告指出,
Two of the LCSD’s BMX only parks have severe under-usage. We believe this is due to the pre-requisite requirement for the users to undergo an assessment to obtain a permit to use the park. Also, these parks are not open to other users such as Skateboard & inline.
Here are some data reported by LCSD for the past 12 months on Po Kong Village Road Bike Park
(only open to BMX freestyle users who have undgergone assessment for permit to use)
– 270 recorded users for whole year
On Fuk Street, Fanling venue – three months data Two recorded users (!).
Compare this to On Lok Mun Street, Fanling skatepark, in 12 months, the recorded users attendance was over 2,000 people.
Our Federation are working with LCSD to simplify the requirements for the 2 parks mentioned above,
On Fuk Street & Po Kong Villiage road, as well as opening them up for skateboarders & Inline skaters use.
More good news to follow soon,
thanks to everyone who have supported the skatepark movement in Hong Kong!
Fight for the future!!
Categories: x-fed, 一般(general)
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